Sunday, August 24, 2008

Aston has a walker

An early birthday present from Rayleigh and Barry. He's spent the day going up and down our apartment, getting faster and bashing into everything in his way..........
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Aston discover his musical side

Not sure what he was playing !!!, although sounded a little bit like Bach's Overture Number 9.....but he enjoyed it anyway
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Aston enjoys a proper bath !!

Staying the night at the Grandparents........Aston enjoys the space of a whole bath

Aston admire the colour scheme
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another one of his tricks

Getting in his carseat in the wardrobe ... and you guessed it ... shutting the door.

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Sticker Head

He doesn't quite have the hand coordination to get this off his head, but he knows the general vicinity he needs to aim for. Bad parents making a joke out of his development.
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More swifter mop

Aston has been such a happy little chappy this week, he's been a real pleasure to be around. His enthusiasm for peek a boo is exhausting but aside from that he's just joyful. Though he loves getting in his wardrobe, and besides pulling his clothes off the hanger, now loves to close the door and wait hmm 1.45 seconds before opening it while laughing his head off, safe in the knowledge we'll be there to say 'peek a boo' AGAIN
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The Swifter Mop

He still loves it whenever I bring it out...

Practicising for the olympic Javelin throw here....

Hmm I'm going to eat you
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Mushroom Madness

1. You can't keep him out of the fridge, especially now that he knows how to open in.

2. He is facinated by the friggin mushrooms... go figure

3. Doesn't matter where we hide them in the fridge...

4. He still finds them!
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Enjoying his Vegemite on Toast

yep he got it everywhere. Aston is so clever now that he knows which side of the toast the flavour is on.

So he licks it clean off then throws the 'flavour-less' piece of toast over the side of his highchair

He thinks it's hilarious!

And so do we. That bit of toast in his hand is about to go over the edge by the way
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Friday, August 15, 2008

The boys!

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What's been going on lately

Sorry the blogs are a bit less frequent, this work thing is killing me. Every sleep he takes I need to be on the computer working, then when Rob gets home he is now chief meal maker as I cram in another hour's work to stay on top of this full time job that's being crammed into 3 days. Exhausting. So by 9pm after we finally sit down and have dinner. I want to blog, but don't have the energy.

Anyway hopefully the job will improve (Or end) soon. They are talking about a job share which would see another girl working 3 days as well. Let's hope something gives soon because I am EXHAUSTED. And so is Rob no doubt with all his extra home duties.


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