Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ice Cream for desert

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM

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The Family Xmas lunch

Aston was so good at handing out all the presents, and saying thank you for those he received. Right before he rushed out to play with Lucky

He especially enjoyed wrapping his arms around lucky for a great big hug
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Off we go

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The Xmas Tree

The Presents

The first ones he went for were from the UK!
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The hit present

A very basic remote control car, but he loves it.

And the wooden Ice Cream Set which comes with it's own magnetised scoop
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No Longer a problem

As you can see from these pic's it's no longer a problem, Aston's very keen to participate in all things we do around the house, regardless of the noise it makes!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Everyone's wearing little swimmers

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Wiggle and Giggle

The various faces of Aston at the Wiggles concert last weekend. Above = Perplexed, Below = somewhat interested

Below = playing with the seats which flipped up and down.

Below = strapped in for the ride!
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Watson's Bay

We took Aston and Darren to Watson's bay last Sunday morning, and after a walk to the Gap, run around the kids park and morning coffee at the pub looking out to the pier it was time for one tired boy to come home and sleep, while his parents tiled, painted and cleaned.
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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Collary and Coogee

Combination photo's of both beaches we've visted in the past few weeks. As an aside we were at the park the other day and an old lady walked past and commented (as people do) on Aston's beautiful hair and curls, at which point he started swishing his hair about on the swing like a supermodel. I of course had to crack up laughing which just encouraged him even more.

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Collary beach

Where Aston loved runing into the water and back out again squeeling in delight, so much so that a lovely, leathery old man commented on how GORGEOUS he is!
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