Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thinking about throwing a strop

He was in two minds here, should I throw another massive strop and roll all around the floor, or is this box of toys on my right a bit more interesting. He went for the toys on this occassion
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Books, hats and hot weather

Aston's got the hang of the hat thing now ... even tries to wear his dad's.

He loves loves loves books at the moment as well.

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Modeling my new shoes ...

Paris Catwalk 2020 here he comes ...

Not so sure about then new shoes here ...

And a few close up's of the most EXPENSIVE shoes in town which unfortunately for us were the only ones to fit his wide, fat feed.

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Helping with the shopping again

Aston is so helpful when it comes to unpacking the shopping. Pulling stuff out of bags and running into his room to play with them.

Last week it was the Turnip of choice.

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Bubbles of fun

Raylee picked up a cool bubble maker last week which Aston loves. He's getting the hang of the bubbles now too and rather than just watch them, tries to chase them down.

A good way to distract a tantrum these days
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Friday, January 16, 2009

Our sweet angel

As turned into tantrum boy in the past two weeks. OMG and apparently it lasts until they're at least 3 before you can reason with them.

Determined Aston will throw himself on the floor in fits of dramatic crys whenever he perceives he's not getting what he wants, when he's having trouble communciating what he wants, when he's not sure exactly what it is he wants, and when he's just damned tired.

Thank god for the Wiggles I say. It speaks to him in a way noone else can and captivates him for the full 15 minutes that he's allowed to watch it for each afternoon.
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Look what I can do Dad!

Stick stuff in a cup and run off thinking I'm up to no good again.
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Practicising wearing my hat...

And getting better at keeping it on. The freckles scare probably did it when I mentioned he'd end up with as many freckles as Uncle Matthew when he was a boy
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These shots just becase they're so cute

Half in pyjama's - half in clothes for the day, Aston escaped our grip to take my recipe magazine for a quiet read on the balcony.

He loves it when he's busted doing something he knows is naught. Finds it hilarious.

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Having a little rest

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42 degree days continue

When it's 42 degrees outside we can't be out in the heat, and there are only so many times one can walk around Broadway's air conditioned shopping mall. So in a vain attempt to give him something new as an experience I resorted to breaking down his high chair to the chair and table set and giving him some colouring in practice.

He thought the new furniture was an absolute hoot and spent a good hour playing with it/sliding it over the floorboard.

I spent the hour trying to make sure he didn't scratch the floor boards. Raylee note the towel under the little table.

Until he tried to eat the pencil again. Game over!

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What handsome parents I have

Yep more pool action on a hot sunny Sydney weekend

No really Mom, I'd like a Car, and a travel allowance, and a new bike!
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What a handsome fella

Here's Aston having a run around in the car park of the building opposite us last Saturday morning. He thought it was such an AMAZING place to explore....

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