Saturday, March 6, 2010

The spelling nispakes

I should also mention it's usually late, and I am usually very tired when updating this blog, and my brain runs faster than my fingers so the odd letter or two is missed from many words, it's not that I don't know how to spell, especially, it's just that I don't have the energy.
Though most people who know me know I'm a crap speller anyway!
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Two of the many out-takes on our camera

Here's just an example of the many out-takes whe get on the camera, 40 photos taken to get 3 good ones.
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And this is what greats you when you leave him alone for two minutes to peel his own banana. Yep he thought of that one all by himself

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Our beautiful boy

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I love it when it rains

And I lay in bed at night ... oh sorry replace that with
'And my hair turns into a frizz ball'

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Yoghurt mini blocks

Became a bit of a fad in our house during the long hot summer, thank god he now seems to have forgotten about them

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The devasting Haircut

Followed by the Raylee look alike short fuzz head which is NOT the latest in little boy fashion
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A trip to Freedom wouldn't be complete without lying around in the sun lounge.
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Buses, trains and monorails

Here's Aston Riding on the bus - not in his stroller. Wow he really thought he was a big boy this day.

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And the monorail

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