Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dancing with a sheet

Pegged around my middle,

Then distracted by food, bread in this instance ... will teach me to leave the pantry door open.

Happy now, have my bread in hand
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17th Biennale

Waiting for our Ferry ride to Cockatoo Island to enjoy the 17th Biennale. Large installations and artwork exhibition.

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Clearly our favourite large installation which you could walk through and touch making a nice change from most art exhibitions.

This one was obviously too high to touch ....

Loads of abandoned machinery and get this CRANES made for a very happy morning.
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What you can't see is that this is a circular room with loads of people sitting in the middle watching the images and Aston marching his way around the circle.

Lunch in the sun!

Something interesting to look at?
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Daycare today equal to

Playing around on the lounge in his pyjama's until 10.30 at night for his poor exhausted parents.

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Surfing on the ....

Hmm Ironing board ....

Which as a result only goes 3/4 of the way up now as we buggered something. Oops but it was fun while it lasted!
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Play my guitar like Andre

He hasn't forgotten how to play the guitar like Andre

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our last morning

Aston was very excited about going home to see his Bob the Builder things, we saw a duck taking a drink from the hand wash basin and stopped to feed the Kangaroo's one more time on the way back to Cairns.

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More pool activity

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The big daddy!

Aston was a bit concerned at first that this guy was going to eat him. When we said, why don't we give this big guy some food, aston said NO, I think he might eat me. Once we got over our fear here's Aston feeding the rather large Kangaroo one pellet at a time.

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