Monday, October 29, 2007
Look out Australia
Aston officially became an Australian Citizen by decent today and we have successfully applied for his Aussie passport following receipt of his citizenship. Check him out below kinda holding his new status. Though he's probably more pleased with the big poo that leaked out his nappy leg all over the stroller (which I had to clean up) than the certificate.
Note - he's starkers in this photo as he also got poo all over his nice outfit which we were in the process of changing when he asked to check out his certificate again
He then found it extremely amusing to projectile vomit all over me, the lounge, the TV remote and the floor without getting one single drop of vomit on his bib ... I think we need to wrap a blanket around his neck rather than the cute bibs actually.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Aston's first runny nose
Yep, he's been sniffling, snuffling, and wheezing his way through his first runny nose. And looks thoroughly miserable about the whole thing. We took a trip to the American Hospital and got a nasal aspirator and sailine drops. It's not so easy aiming that suction nozzel up his little nostrels when he's moving his head about so much but I am managing to suck out a lot of his runny nose ingredients making it easier for him to breath. We do this often as don't like to see him struggle.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Aston unimpressed with England result
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Getting his nappy changed
The English Grandparents are jumping in at the deep end with lots of nappy changes and hugs, kisses and songs going Aston's way.
Since the arrival of the Aust & English parents the only nappy I really change at the moment is the one in the middle of the night. I am also the only person he hasn't done a poo on, mid nappy change. Hopefully this becomes a Guiness Record Breaking moment.
It's not so hard raising a newborn when there's six pairs of hands to help out .. Rob and I even managed a few short hours in the pub yesterday.
Not sure what we'll do when they all start going home. Urgh.
Aston turns one month old
Aston turned one (or at least one month old) on the 14th October and boy has the little porker grown. He increased from 53 to 58 cms in length jumping from the 55th to the 95th percentile in height for his age. For the uninitiated this means that 95% of babies in the world are shorter than him.
He's also not surprisingly in the 95th percentile for weight and head circumference meaning only 5% of babies in the world are fatter than he is - and with a bigger noggin!
We've taken to calling him the little budda as the two poses he favours is to sit with his hands resting on his knees and his little-ish belly flopping out - or sit (assisted of course) with his hands folded across the belly in a thinking pose.
He's been making little baby noises for a few weeks now, the smiles are coming more frequently mainly when he dreams or farts but we have also convinced ourselves that there is the odd intentional smile - certainly his father seemed to get one this morning. I just get the 'oh' where is my milk bottle going wail.
He does need more tummy time which I need to make sure we perserver with - its a bit hard holding up a 95th percentile head at the best of times. His slightly droopy eyelid (left eye) continues to get stronger and his voice gets louder and louder with each meltdown.
We've received such generous gifts from our family and friends which we sincerely thank everyone for. I hope you enjoy the photos of Aston wearing and playing with the gifts he's received as much as we enjoy watching him.
Here's a few interactive shots from his first month.
Monday, October 15, 2007
English Grandparents Arrive
Ta Da - Aston has been loving it up (and living it up) with the English Grandparents who arrived yesterday morning. Since being here Aston has pooed on Brenda and thrown up all over her. Brian has so far gotton off easier with just a few hugs and smiles.
Brenda has also come up with the good idea of taking Aston to the roof of our apartment in the early evening when he is unsettled to give some fresh air and a change of scene. We are going to try this asap.
He is also now the proud owner of an original English Rugby Top which he will be wearing on Saturday night - after we change him out of his Reading FC Hat and booties for the game against Blackburn.
He's received some gorgeous gifts from the UK, some of the soft toys he's already shown great interest in.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Aston has so much to say, if only we all understood baby noises
Here's Aston having his own little chat with Raylee and Barry. If we could understand him, he'd probably be saying ...
1. Raylee, I really don't think we need to be running the washing machine at 6am on a WEEKEND. There's plenty of time in the rest of the day to do the washing!
2. Barry, are you sure you've only had one beer this evening? I know how you like to over-endulge in things like chocolate, chips, beer, nuts, fried foods etc....
3. Oops, Raylee's outfit has just reminded me she's going to have to swap the towel on my change table again.
Part 2 - Taking the bottle from Dad
Success at last, Aston has now reasonably happily taken a number of breastmilk bottles from Rob with the minimum of fuss. And hopefully we are on the up and up with him on the occasional bottle feeds.
At one point we thought we may need to look for a premmie teat - as he guzzles from the bottle so furiously. And the 0+ teats were still releasing the milk too quickly for his enthusiasm. Resulting in him almost choking himself on the bottle with his vigor. Rob has now worked him into a routine where he gets 6 seconds on the bottle and 4 seconds rest off the bottle. He wasn't giving himself the natural pause so we've had to simulate it for him. Once we're half way through the feed, he slows down a little and can regulate the flow in the bottle himself.
Rob is thrilled to be able to give him the feeds more successfully and I am stoked as well, because it means Rob can share the experience. We've also started sitting him almost upright to feed on the bottle which helps with the natural flow of things. Phew!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What do you mean there's a shark!
Thanks ever so much to Christina who not only sent Aston the cutiest bib in the world, but also the most amazing hand knitted jumper made by a lady in New York and loads of other very cool clothes which we can't wait for him to fit into - and which he can wear while he's giving Christina lots of hugs when we're back in Sydney
Monday, October 8, 2007
Enjoying his new toys
Here's Aston hanging out in the lounge room on his new floor mat and pillow (with the trucks and fire engines chasing him around the floor). Thanks to Raylee, Sue and Jenny for this generous and super practical gift as we love anything that keeps him quiet and happy He also enjoys the bright colours.
And another photo of Aston reading his first book from Helen and David - he seems quite transfixed.
A photo of Mel
Reading v Derby
Hanging out with his Dad - watching a much needed win for Reading v bottom of the table Derby. Thank god for the win and Doyle's first goal of the season. Here's Rob and Aston showing appreciation for Doyle's talents and Aston receiving his first instruction in the skillful art of English football. Rob took Aston to the park for a kick around after the game and I was the goalpost.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Aussie Grandparent Contingent Arrives
Hail the Aussie Grandparent contingent has now arrived, and boy have they given some fantastic tips for calming and settling the wee one. There's nothing like throwing a bit of experience on the subject - and we're sure when the UK Grandparent contingent arrives next week we'll get even more good ideas.
Things that we've learned so far:
1. When he wakes up screaming don't feed straight away and bounce him round for a bit
2. After a feed he falls asleep better when we put him in the carseat which has a rocker than by me holding him as it encourges him to want more and more feeds ... hence porker problem
3. Using a bib stops him sicking up on his clothes and saves some washing
4. A well rested child is a happy child and now he's caught up on some much needed sleep is alot calmer.
5. There's only one bottle teat that he can handle at the moment and it's better that someone other than me feeds the bottle as he confuses me with a giant milk bottle anyway.
6. He's now starting to focus on colour and movement and recognise voices and we need to spend more time stimulating him and his interest in the world.
Here's some pic's of Raylee and Barry's first 24 hours.
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