Saturday, October 13, 2007

Part 2 - Taking the bottle from Dad

Success at last, Aston has now reasonably happily taken a number of breastmilk bottles from Rob with the minimum of fuss. And hopefully we are on the up and up with him on the occasional bottle feeds.

At one point we thought we may need to look for a premmie teat - as he guzzles from the bottle so furiously. And the 0+ teats were still releasing the milk too quickly for his enthusiasm. Resulting in him almost choking himself on the bottle with his vigor. Rob has now worked him into a routine where he gets 6 seconds on the bottle and 4 seconds rest off the bottle. He wasn't giving himself the natural pause so we've had to simulate it for him. Once we're half way through the feed, he slows down a little and can regulate the flow in the bottle himself.
Rob is thrilled to be able to give him the feeds more successfully and I am stoked as well, because it means Rob can share the experience. We've also started sitting him almost upright to feed on the bottle which helps with the natural flow of things. Phew!

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