Sunday, January 6, 2008

Aston on the move

Aston spent loads of time on the soft carpeted floor in the UK and as a consequence has started to roll over ... he sometimes needs a little help getting his last arm unjammed ... but turning he is.

Here's a few shots of the little man on the move .... can't we hold back this progress somehow!


Raylee said...

What a difference seeing Aston on his mat now compared to when we first saw him on it in October. He could very well be under the coffee table or the ironing board soon.

Loved the photos of Aston in his leather jacket with Brian.

The Deloherys said...

Unfortunately Melissa you can't stop them growing no matter how much you would like! Enjoy, enjoy which I am sure you are as you can see from dear little Aston asleep snug as a bug in a rug on the plane - he will be a better flyer than all of us by the time he reaches home,

