Thursday, February 7, 2008

I want to sleep on my front

While Aston sleep really well at night and we are reaping the benefits of the bath, feed, bed routine we implemented at 8 weeks because he goes down pretty quickley, during the day he's much harder to settle. The bedroom is a bit too light, which does'nt help and regardless of all efforts to the contary, we can't get him into the "preferred" routine of back to bed 2 hours after waking for 1.5 hours and repeat.
Instead we have a 20 - 30 minute catnap every 2 - 3 hours which makes for one very tired boy at the end of the day ... and it often takes over an hour to get the 20 min sleep out of him, as per the photo's above, but geeze he was happy to see me when I kept going in to turn him back around for his sleep. URGH is all I can say!
This is also the first time he's flipped himself onto his stomach in his sleep and I was keen to see what he did. After face planting the mattress for about 10 seconds he turned his head to the side and carried on sleeping ... it must be instinctive in babies not to suffocate themselves. However I'd like to watch this a few more times to gain confidence that he'll do it every time before I wake up at 4am and find him face down like this asleep.

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