Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day coincided with a one week early 1st birthday celebration for Aston this year. Rob had to wait exactly 11 months and 3 weeks for his first Australian Father's Day but got exactly what he wanted from Aston. A High Definition Set Top Box. Thankfully Aston can now give up the part time job he needed to buy his day such a great present.

Aston also reaped great gifts from the family including a pull along truck and much needed socks from Kerrie, Ray, Meggie, Patrick and Michael, a cool mechanic's shirt from Treen and excellent books to chew from Lisa and Matt including one with Aston's all so favourite pop up back pages.

Raylee and Barry and already given Aston his walker which he thinks he's so clever using and a In the Night Garden book, which he also will enjoy chewing on.

He loved the wrapping, presents, cards and general all round attention on the day and was by all accounts the 'star' of the event.
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