Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Aston

Aston has been a big help this week, displaying more maturity here helping me bath Harper when Rob was home a little late one night.

And I can't tell you how much Harper LOVES him, giggling hilarously whenever he thinks Aston is noticing him.

Aston also had a few firsts this week, his first ever Trick or Treat. Our street and the three next to us were very well organised and Aston joined a group of about 20 kids trick or treating. He literally couldn't believe that he got a treat at each doorstep, I don't think the process had sunk in from our explanations in the same way that collecting loads of candy did. He was almost beside himself, but to his credit when Rob came home was so preoccupied with showing Rob his treats that he didn't notice the other 19 kids heading to the next street. Bless, he though it was over, enjoyed handing out some treats to kids at our front door and then participated in a willing agreement to choose and keep 6 treats that he could have one a day, the other 15 odd treats were re-donated to kids at the door. He also had his first ever Melbourne Cup and in a cashless sweep with Zac and Zoe picked the 1st and 3rd placed horse and was able to watch his horse come first because he was watching the yellow jersey with blue stars from his picture that we gave of the horses he had selected. He's been a good boy of late, we've noticed many improvements, though we still regress quite a lot, possibly there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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