Monday, October 29, 2007

Look out Australia

Aston officially became an Australian Citizen by decent today and we have successfully applied for his Aussie passport following receipt of his citizenship. Check him out below kinda holding his new status. Though he's probably more pleased with the big poo that leaked out his nappy leg all over the stroller (which I had to clean up) than the certificate.
Note - he's starkers in this photo as he also got poo all over his nice outfit which we were in the process of changing when he asked to check out his certificate again
He then found it extremely amusing to projectile vomit all over me, the lounge, the TV remote and the floor without getting one single drop of vomit on his bib ... I think we need to wrap a blanket around his neck rather than the cute bibs actually.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They give Australian Citizenship to anyone these days. Tell us when he gets his Southern Suburbs visa.