Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hi there

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Grated Pear and Cheese

After a 2.5 hour midday sleep (yes you read that right!) Aston enjoyed yet another non Mr Heinz meal of grated pear and cheese.

Obviously he didn't get much in his actual mouth without some serious assistance from us

But he seemed to quite enjoy the taste. It's the second time he's had grated pear and cheese as well so I feel this make become a lunchtime feature on the menu board.

Until he lost his patience with all my photo taking of the mess he'd made and wanted out NOW! Still seriously cute even when he throws a tantrum that is for sure.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

No sleep Aston

Yet again Aston has bucked the afternoon sleep making for an hysterically tired child by the time 5pm came, and a rather worn out mother. Lucky we love him so much ... the poor little mite just collapsed after his bath and bottle tonight.
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The magic yellow bus

Today we were getting ready for the Magic Yellow Bus (outdoor playgroup) and as the weather was cold, I thought perfect opportunity for Aston to wear his little leather jacket from Grandpop Brian.

He thought he should watch just a little more Seseme Street just before we left ...

Then I told him we were meeting Max and Zoe at the bus and better hurry up, he was super thrilled ...

Oops but couldn't miss the letter of the day which was 'L'

At the Magic Yellow Bus Aston tried to eat two leaves and a handful of dirt, took a fancy to some other mother's shoe lace on her sneakers and tried to cram that into her mouth, and almost crawled over another child while trying to get to a toy he liked the look of. He also taste tested the wooden frame of an toy, and I was able to haul MOST of the wood bits out of his mouth before distracting his attention with something else. A little boy came and showed him a few different trucks, from Dump Trucks to Diggers and explained how they worked, and the little boy's father (who looked less than impressed to be there) commented on how CUTE Aston was. Very generous of him as I'm sure everyone thinks their child is the cutest.... but ours of course is in the boy stakes, and Zoe hands down beats the girls for cuteness and spunk. he he he I hear Maxine laughing about the spunk bit from here!
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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Discovering the outside

Aston's spied something he really wants. He's set to go for it without anything standing in his way.

It's the balcony. He just loves it. Whenever we leave the door open, even for a second he notices and off he goes.

He's so excited once he gets there, he's not quite sure which direction to head in.
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Standing up and getting down

Aston's so proud of himself every time he pulls himself up to stand on the furniture. Which is let's face it, every five minutes.

He thinks it's hilarous when he gets his eye level over the top of the table

But then has to work out how to get down. Moving from one piece of furniture to another didn't do the trick for him

Looking at where the floor is wasn't solving his problem either. So his ingenius solution. To just let go altogether and fall back onto his bottom with a thud. Clever.
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The Vegemite Kid

It says to try babies on vegemite on toast as a starter finger food. Well he loves the vegemite. But tries to cram the whole piece of toast into his mouth, meaning large pieces are breaking off in his mouth. Not so nice. So we have to watch him very carefully when he eats it.

Aside for one or two heart stopping moments for Rob and I he really enjoyed Vegemite on toast. Ahhhh those Aussie roots are finally coming out.
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Trying to feed himself

We've starting giving Aston a bit of food on the tray of the high chair for him to play with and (hopefully = eventually) learn to feed himself.

This is the result of our first go!
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy 40th Dad

Aston could hardly wait to give Rob his 40th birthday present.

He was so proud of his first piece of artwork. A collector's item we feel.

Until he spied the button's on Rob's shirt that he thought he might try and eat!

Rob was thrilled with our genius craft exercises and couldn't believe I managed to get hand and foot prints without a trip to the local hospital to find out the ill effects of eating paint. I did have him strapped in the Ergo baby when I did it though, making it much easier to control his limbs and thoroughly clean each hand and foot after the pressing.
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Napolitana Napolitana

In case you can't tell from this photo.,,,

Aston LOVED his first taste of Napolitana.... And I'm sure Raylee and Brenda will be very impressed with the ALL IN ONE bib that I put him in to try out his Italian feast.... only fitting seeings as his highchair was MADE IN ITALY as well.

Punch drunk and loving it!
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The new highchair has arrived

Doesn't he look swish in it!

And better than being just a highchair, once he's too old for it, the thing converts to his very own table and chair ensemble.

Though we did have to wait a whole month for it after ordering.... it came from Italy

Aston thinks it was worth it.
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Taking the bottle from Dad!

After spending months trying to get Aston to take the bottle, and after trying every single type of bottle/teat on the market, Aston recently decided the bottle was his thing. Just like that!

He now has two nursing feeds a day and two bottle feeds a day + 3 meals a day ... though admittedly the meals are only a handful of mouthfuls at each sitting. We are trying to move him away from the mashed up snot and onto more lumpy food, and more of it, in the past two weeks, and we shall then aim to drop another of the nursing feeds. That will put him where he's supposed to be, 3 milk feeds + 3 solid meals.

Anyway even though he was taking the bottle it was still difficult to get him to take it from anyone but me until this last weekend when he took a whole feed from his dad!

Needless to say both Rob and I were thrilled and felt it was a Kodak moment if ever there was one.
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