Friday, May 9, 2008

Aston in Action

Aston's had yet another cold this last week, yep that makes 4 in total since he was born ... clearly my boosie milk is not providing all the immunity he needs. Coupled with four teeth (the top front four) coming down, retracting and coming down again, and retracting, and coming down again, he's not been the happiest of little boys this last week. But he's still so friggin cute and adorable, even when he's pulling his ear with snot running down his nose.

Luckily we haven't bought a new sofa yet as the old one is now covered in snot stains as well as vomit stains. such is life.

Aston is a true super star though. We just last week dropped his cot mattress to the lowest level, thankfully as twice this week I've gone to get him up from a sleep and he's been yep, standing in his cot. Had it been on the higher level that would have been a serious spill so the move was just in time.

Aston's other tricks now include:

Getting himself from lying to sitting position and back to lying again

Pulling himself up on the TV Cabinet, the lounge, the glass doors, the oven, the shoe boxes, the chairs to a kneeling position and often all the way up to standing.

The babbling noises have started to come back, thankfully as they're so much more appealing than the growl.

Being able to crawl on our slippery floor boards, even in an all in one.

Laughing a lot.

He did his first mimic action when we were at Maxine's this week.

I also googled activities for an 8 month old (which he almost is) as I was worried he was getting a bit bored chewing on the same toys every day and everything they suggested we are already doing so I think we need to think more laterally for one new thing each day for him to discover and explore, that doesn't involve trying to get into the garbage bin, eat our shoes, lick the bottom of the shower recess etc.
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