Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Taking the bottle from Dad!

After spending months trying to get Aston to take the bottle, and after trying every single type of bottle/teat on the market, Aston recently decided the bottle was his thing. Just like that!

He now has two nursing feeds a day and two bottle feeds a day + 3 meals a day ... though admittedly the meals are only a handful of mouthfuls at each sitting. We are trying to move him away from the mashed up snot and onto more lumpy food, and more of it, in the past two weeks, and we shall then aim to drop another of the nursing feeds. That will put him where he's supposed to be, 3 milk feeds + 3 solid meals.

Anyway even though he was taking the bottle it was still difficult to get him to take it from anyone but me until this last weekend when he took a whole feed from his dad!

Needless to say both Rob and I were thrilled and felt it was a Kodak moment if ever there was one.
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