Firstly apologies for the sporatic posts in the past few weeks, my computer has been a bit on the blink. You know technology and I are NOT great friends. Anyway its performing beautifully today allowing me to catch up on a couple of pictures I have wanted to upload all week.
I am hoping that whatever the loose connection was which caused it to shut down every 5 minutes has now fallen back into place - and stays there.
Anyway Aston turned 2 months old this week - can you believe it. 2 months of pregnancy felt like 4 months to me yet 2 months with Aston still feels like a few weeks.
At 2 months our little boy continues to grow. He is 6.4kgs and almost 62cms. WOW!
He is now smiling and giggling at us every day, he loves it when he wakes up and we lean over the cot to pick him up, we get the most amazing laughs and smiles from him. He is now sitting up very well with a little support on the lower back. He is holding his head up surprisingly well for the size of it, but does tend to favour one side more than the other. I raised this with the Dr at his checkup this week and she's given us some good exercises to help him strengthen the other side of his neck as well. Overall though his head control is right on target for his age. Way to go beanhead!
He's got the change table thing down pat now and as soon as we plonk him on it, he automatically lifts his legs and raises them in the air. In fact he keeps them up the entire time which is not always helpful when you're trying to fasten his nappy at the end of a change.
He is waving his arms around with more determination and is able to intentionally find his mouth with his fist to suck furously on it. In fact he quite likes doing this and would do it all day and night if he could. It won't be long now before he starts grabbing at stuff to go into his mouth instead.
He is more interested in the mobiles that hang from his bouncy chair, car seat and the makeshift one that I've errected over his mat and tries to belt them with his hands. He is also happier to amuse himself for longer periods while looking at these items of intense interest each time.
Earlier this week he managed to grab his leg with his hand and using his grasp reflex didn't let go giving himself a bit of a shock in the process. So who's got my leg then ... is it you Dad?
Without jinxing things I feel like he is settling into a big of a flexible routine, with the emphasis on flexible... yet there is a sembalance of routine that is emerging.
He went to his first mother and baby group on Monday morning and enjoyed watching all the other babies. He behaved beautifully and bounced around for half an hour, then had a feed, then slept for the rest of the visit ... too many screaming children in the end was a bit too much for him.
He's also starting to get used to travelling in the car when he is awake and isn't screaming as much which makes me more confident to take him out a bit more often. I've discovered that if I make sure the bumble bee is hanging directly above him, he'll look at that for a good while then often falls asleep. If he doesn't fall asleep then he starts to cry, but we are usually pretty close to home by then. His cry's work up to screams when we stop at the traffic lights but calms down when we start moving again.
His left eyelid is still droppy and more noticably so when he is tired. We have an appointment with an eye doctor at the American Hospital on 6th December to see what we can do to help him with this ... we may need to patch his good eye for a few hours each day to strengthen the lid but will keep you posted after the appointment.
He's now had the first oral polio vacination which he didn't like the taste of at all along with two more vacination shots which he really didn't enjoy. The benefit of giving one after the other is he didn't feel the second needle he was crying so much from the first.
The Dr commented on his very fair skin and I've made a promise to him that he will always wear a hat when outdoors. This is to make sure he doesn't end up with hundreds of freckles before his is five, especially with his resemblence to Matthew, who was a very freckly kid but an extremely handsome man. We are going to make sure that as well as the obvious benefits in protection against skin cancer, that the wee one becomes intimately familiar with the slip, slop, slap slogan from a young age.
He is talking and cooing all the time now and has a wide range of noises, so I have encouraged Rob to start saying Dad, Dad, Dad to him every time he picks him up. Dad is usually one of the first words babies say so Rob should start laying the groundwork now.
I am also recognising a couple of his little noises, one which is distinctly saying I'm hungry but I'll wait a bit longer, another which saways I'm hungry and I'll belt out an all out meltdown in 2 minutes if you don't do something about it.
And on that note i had better go feed his lordship again