Saturday, November 10, 2007

Aston at the Park

The weather is getting cooler so at 4.45 when the sun was going down we took Aston for a Picnic in Safa park with a few friends. Again he was a gem ... slightly grumpy, but on the whole, entirely cute ... he did need a discrete breastfeed in the park but I was expecting this so had loads of wraps at the ready to disguise the event. Sun was down and we weren't sitting under any lights so am sure it went unnoticed.

He still cryed all the way home in the car .., oh, and all the way there ... if he's not alseep in the carseat it seems he doesn't like to travel. Maybe it's because he can't see us. I have to sing the only 3 lines of the only nursery song ok Christmas Carol I remember so he know's we're still there. Anyone to have heard me sing knows how annoying this would be for Rob. It's Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer if you're interested ... except I call it Aston the Red Faced Boy!

1 comment:

Barry said...

What about all the other nursery rhymes we taught you? Sounds like your singing hasn't improved though. Maybe we should buy Rob some ear plugs for Xmas.