Sunday, April 13, 2008

7 Month Update

At 7 months Aston has perfected the commando crawl and is all over the damned place. He continues to be a very happy little boy (most of the time), and has made major improvements in car travel with meltdowns becoming the exception rather than the rule over the past couple of months (praise be to Allah).

He is showing more interest in foods that are not sweet and is happy to eat the Heinz Organic baby veggies but still turns his nose up at my home made concoctions ... today I gave him pumkin which he's eaten loads of times thanks to Mr Heinz ... did he eat mine? That would be a NO!

He still resists the bottle but can hold it himself now and will take 30 or 40 mls but then expects the breastfeed afterwards so not really getting the point yet is he! Though I am remarkably impressed with our progress especially once a nice lady on the bus told me if he wasn't using a bottle by 1 year - forget it you'll be feeding him till he is 3. I don't think so.

His daytime sleeps are looking like there may be a semblance of routine emerging but he still doesnt sleep through the night however we are now touch wood back to just one feed in the early hours and not 2 or 3 as he picked up while we were travelling
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