Saturday, April 5, 2008

What's a pub?

Hoorah after being back in Sydney for well over a month we finally got our first visit to a pub. The Neutral Bay Oaks outdoor beer garden for a spot of lunch with Rich and Larry.

It was the perfect location, well shaded, and we found the best table in a corner near the entrance where Aston could watch the passing street traffic from his stroller. And then when a party of 25 turned up from a Christening with like 10 other babies in tow in ensured all other revellers at the pub stayed well away from the area we were sitting in.

We met the boys for lunch at 1pm and left at 3pm with the amazing success of me also being able to get Aston to take a 20 min nap in the stroller while we were there ... go figure?

Rich and Larry also bought Aston the cutest poo bear image that is framed to hang in his room and further extend the poo bear theme that he loves right now. He was well excited when he saw it, bashing and banging the frame and seeking out Poo amongst the other characters.

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