Saturday, November 10, 2007

Lunch with the gang

After Rob''s work cancelled brunch this weekend due to the labour issues in Dubai I was seriously unimpressed to lose my one exciting outing for the week ... so Rob, Jenny, Brian and Glen all valiently agreed to come to Scarlet's - now non smoking restaurant and bar in the Emirates Towers for a mini brunch of our own.
I had spent the week expressing two feeds so I could enjoy a few glasses of wine and WAS NOT about to see all that hard earned milk go to waste. It was only just and right, really, that I ensure it was used. Which it was. Here's some pic's from the day out.

BTW Aston was a gem, after a few hard days he slept 4 hours through lunch and was very happy and giggly when he woke up - I love him so much when he does that. He had smiles for everyone then settled down to a bottle of milk without too much fuss, all things considering.

1 comment:

brenda said...

Great pictures, Aston looks as though he is having so much fun and still likes to be cuddled.